Caravela Coffee’s Journey to Net Zero
Caravela Coffee's journey to net zero, guided by One Carbon World (OCW), includes working with 26 coffee farmers in the Galápagos Islands.

Caravela Coffee's journey to net zero, guided by One Carbon World (OCW), includes working with 26 coffee farmers in the Galápagos Islands (Ecuador). With our help and expertise, they have reduced herbicide use, fostered healthier soils, and cultivated sustainable coffee crops.
Engagement with the local coffee farms in the Galápagos Islands enabled a third-party verification assessment carried out at a farm level, covering the emissions and sequestration of on-farm activities relating to the coffee-growing phase of Caravela Coffee’s supply farms. This assessment assured the green assets of the local farmers, shining a light on the positive impacts of agricultural practices on these diverse and sensitive islands.
The Galápagos Islands have been particularly affected by COVID-19 and its impact on local tourism. Therefore, this innovative project not only brings much-valued revenue (jobs, economic value to the island) but also unifies the commitment towards sustainability, the protection of biodiversity and the environment, and the mitigation of the effects of climate change.
Our comprehensive analysis shows Galápagos coffee farms emit 83 tons of CO2e annually but sequester an impressive 221 tons. For every hectare, 2 tons of CO2e are sequestered, with each kilogram of coffee produced in the Galapagos Islands sequestering 7.3 kg of CO2eThus, Caravela Coffee, in collaboration with these farmers, have gone above and beyond to become climate-positive. Becoming climate positive simply means going beyond net zero carbon emissions by removing more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than what is being emitted. This is a way to accelerate progress towards reducing global emissions while deepening climate action to eliminate emissions where possible.
Mindful of the delicate Galápagos ecosystems and biodiversity, Caravela Coffee and OCW collaborate to protect the land through strategic tree planting and a pesticide-free approach. An additional sustainability effort includes optimizing the supply chain by repurposing coffee peel, showcasing their commitment to zero waste. The ultimate goal is a 100% carbon-neutral supply chain, setting new standards for global coffee growers.
This transformative journey with One Carbon World positions Caravela Coffee and their farmers as pioneers in sustainable coffee farming. Join us in raising industry standards and making a positive impact, one cup at a time!

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