Access Government grant funding to support your Net Zero journey

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grant funding available for carbon credit purchase

At One Carbon World, we provide comprehensive support and guidance for managing in-house carbon removals. Our expertise and resources empower you to effectively reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future.


Contribution Fees

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For organisations under 250 employees
Carbon Neutral
International Standard
50% Grant fund
Your contribution to pay
Apply now
For organisations over 250 employees
Carbon Neutral
International Standard
50% Grant fund
Your contribution to pay
Apply now
Carbon Credits
Our costs for carbon credits
Typical Carbon Credit
(1 Ton)
Grant support
Your contribution to pay
Buy carbon credits
“Thanks to OCW's Kuza Miti project, Flamingo is on a transformative journey towards achieving net zero in Kenya. OCW has been instrumental in uniting horticulture and agriculture communities, fostering collaboration for a more sustainable future. Their vision for regenerative agriculture is inspiring, and we are grateful for the impactful strides we've made together. OCW is not just reducing our environmental footprint but also cultivating a legacy of environmental responsibility in Kenya.”

CSR & Sustainability Consultant


Grant Funding

Apply for grant funding today

Emissions hotspotting and benchmarking to identify quick wins and longer-term reduction strategies. Specialist advisors in agricultural supply chains and supplier engagement for collaborative decarbonisation.

Grant partners/who we’ve helped

The environmental, societal and commercial imperative to become a net zero emissions business has never been greater. We help you to navigate the regulatory landscape and unlock the commercial opportunity of the net zero transition, with actionable decarbonisation strategies.

Frequently asked questions

Find answers to commonly asked questions about our services and initiatives.

What Standards do you offer? (OCW Carbon Neutral International Standard)

The Carbon Neutral International Standard is an exceptional choice, especially if your organisation already has a clear understanding of its carbon footprint or specific carbon reduction goals in mind. If you're yet to determine your carbon footprint, our team assists in these key calculations. Beyond the environmental benefits, this process can yield significant economic advantages, not only by potentially reducing the need for additional carbon credits but also by opening avenues for savings and financial efficiencies that can be redirected into additional and creative initiatives.

What does “awarded the OCW Carbon Neutral International Standard” mean?

Achieving the “OCW Carbon Neutral International Standard" means that your organisation has embraced a systematic and methodical approach toward understanding and reducing the environmental impact of your organisation, as well as ultimately accelerating the transition to a net zero world . It is therefore an indication that your organisation demonstrates a deep commitment to sustainability in accordance with the Kyoto Protocol and other international standards. Importantly, it reflects tangible rewards and proactive engagement, showcasing your organisation's dedication to responsibility and leadership in the pursuit of a more sustainable future.

How do I apply to the OCW Grant fund?

To apply to the OCW Grant fund, you can visit the "Apply" tab on our website or simply send us an email at Our team will guide you through the application process, providing support and assistance as needed. We are committed to facilitating your efforts in contributing to meaningful carbon reduction and projects through our Grant Fund 

What is the Kyoto Protocol?

The Kyoto Protocol is an international treaty established in 1997 with the aim of addressing global climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Under the protocol, participating developed countries committed to specific emission reduction targets during the first commitment period (2008-2012). The agreement introduced market-based mechanisms, such as emissions trading and the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), to facilitate cost-effective emission reductions. While the Kyoto Protocol marked an important step in international efforts to combat climate change, subsequent agreements, such as the Paris Agreement, have evolved to involve a broader range of nations and implement more ambitious and inclusive emission reduction goals.