Inhouse Carbon Removal
Inhouse carbon removal is the act of investing in your own verifiable carbon sequestration project. This can be done within your own value chain (known as insetting) or beyond value chain (known as BVCM).
Clear business case for ‘grow your own’
Whist the Land Sector Guidance for carbon removals is still evolving, it is inevitable that verified removals will be a key part of your net zero strategy in the coming years. With carbon credit prices set to soar, having your own carbon sink to achieve net zero and drive ESG benefits has a clear business case. We enable the process at each stage, ensuring rigour and success.

Achieving your science based target demands that you plan for 10% residual emissions
By 2030, carbon credit prices are forecast to be north of £75 per tonne. Financial risk is significant on a ‘do nothing trajectory’.
After a company has achieved its long-term target and cut emissions by more than 90%, it must use permanent carbon removal and storage to counterbalance the final 10% or more of residual emissions that cannot be eliminated.
The time is now to invest in your own SBTi-compliant carbon removals
Unlock nature-based solutions to remove carbon from the atmosphere and achieve your SBT
One Carbon World are specialists in nature based solutions. Whilst our solution portfolio is diverse, the two approaches that we lead with are those where the science is most ready for scale.
We offer a best in class, bespoke carbon removals managed service
Value chain and beyond value chain location services - suitability, verification and history checks.
Rigorous governance process supported by satellite verification, ground truthing and reporting.
Beyond carbon outcomes, every removals project drives broader ecological and community benefit.
Four steps to building your own carbon removals capability
Business Case
Once we have verified your corporate carbon footprint, we present a robust business case for investing in your own carbon removals capability. From reforestation projects to regenerative agriculture, we help you to understand the economics of sequestering carbon and verifying removals under our managed service.
From sourcing your carbon removals sites, using earth observation data to comprehend historic events, to analysing soil strata, we deliver a comprehensive feasibility study for your removal project.
Project delivery
Our expert team will manage the full lifecycle of the project, with robust controls and risk management protocols. We act as a seamless extension of your organisation.
Verified and reporting
We Measure, Report and verification (MRV) your carbon removals, ensuring direct line of sight to activities on the ground, quality control and alignment to United Nations Global Compact.

Kuza Miti Case Study
Learn our approach to combatting climate change in Kenya, reducing carbon emissions and financially incentivising farmers and landowners adopting sustainable practices.
Frequently asked questions
Find answers to commonly asked questions about our services and initiatives.
Carbon offsetting is the process of compensating for greenhouse gas emissions by investing in projects that reduce or remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
You can get involved by measuring your carbon footprint, reducing your emissions, and rebalancing through carbon offsetting and carbon removals.
Green asset verification is the process of validating and certifying the environmental benefits of sustainable practices and projects.
You can apply for grant funding by contacting our team and providing details about your sustainability project.
The Partner Coalition is a group of organizations that collaborate with us to promote sustainable practices and initiatives.