Regenerative farming projects

OCW supports a shift to regenerative farming practices, such as cover cropping, crop rotation, and reduced tillage, to promote soil carbon sequestration. By increasing organic matter and improving soil health, regenerative farming helps to capture and store carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in the soil, mitigating climate change and enhancing agricultural sustainability.

Empowering farmers to demonstrate sustainable farming methods

OCW works with farmers and primary producers to accurately measure carbon stocks and track year-on-year additionality resulting from regenerative farming practices. By quantifying the amount of carbon stored in the soil and monitoring the progress over time, we empower farmers to demonstrate the environmental benefits of their sustainable farming methods and access potential carbon credit opportunities.

Integrated strategies for today’s carbon farmer

We support farmers in designing net-zero transition plans that reduce, remove, and avoid carbon emissions on their farms through sustainable practices and carbon sequestration, helping them contribute to global climate change mitigation.

Kijani Case Study

Learn about One Carbon World's pivotal role in developing the Kijani Forestry Project in Uganda, a leading Nature-Based Solution addressing climate-induced poverty and deforestation among smallholder farmers, benefiting over 20,000 farmers and providing employment for 500+ locals.

Frequently asked questions

Find answers to commonly asked questions about our services and initiatives.

What is carbon offsetting?

Carbon offsetting is the process of compensating for greenhouse gas emissions by investing in projects that reduce or remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

How can I get involved?

You can get involved by measuring your carbon footprint, reducing your emissions, and rebalancing through carbon offsetting and carbon removals.

What is green asset verification?

Green asset verification is the process of validating and certifying the environmental benefits of sustainable practices and projects.

How can I apply for grant funding?

You can apply for grant funding by contacting our team and providing details about your sustainability project.

What is the Partner Coalition?

The Partner Coalition is a group of organizations that collaborate with us to promote sustainable practices and initiatives.